- Ensure you know how the student loan system works.
- Try to have some savings in case your loan cheque is delayed.
- Budget! Use the Spendometer to help you. (
- Keep a record of what and where you spend.
- Have a list of priority spending - differentiating between needs and wants.
- Take advantage of your bank's free banking facilities.
- If they require a response then reply quickly to letters from your bank, building society or any creditors and keep a copy of all correspondence.
- Be aware that if things go wrong financially, it can affect you emotionally and seriously distract you from your studies.
- Seek advice speedily. The longer you leave a problem the harder it will be to sort it out. Talk to family, student welfare officers, bank staff etc.
- Allow some money for recreation and pleasure.
- Overspend at the beginning of your first term. Remember your money has to see you through the year.
- Spend more than you can afford when going out. Leave your cash card at home!
- Buy non-essentials when struggling to pay for essentials.
- Ignore signs that spending is getting out of control.
- Guess at what you're spending.
- Be afraid to talk to someone and seek advice if you are having problems financially.
- Cut yourself off from family and friends if things get tough.
- Make rash promises to pay when you know you can't.
- Exceed your overdraft limit without previous authorisation. Unauthorised overdraft rates are very high when compared with what is offered if you stick within agreed limits.
- Get paranoid! Remember even if you are struggling, your bank or building society will see you as a good long-term investment, so approach them with confidence.