Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Money Saving Ideas

Now I'm applying for uni, I'm getting all sorts of leaflets and advice through the mail. So, here's some of the money saving tips from one of those leaflets ('Money Manual For Students')

Food Shopping:

  • Plan your menu a week ahead and buy foods accordingly. (I tend to buy a few days extra, so my weeks are more like 8/9 days long. That way, if you don't fancy what you've planned for one day, you've got another option.)
  • Where possible, combine your shopping with a housemate, buying to cook for two is usually cheaper than cooking for one.
  • Remember packed lunches work out much cheaper than buying sandwiches or eating out.
  • Always use a shopping list with items for your planned menu - and stick to it! Of course, you can treat yourself from time to time, but most of the time you need to stick to a list.
  • When you get to the supermarket, immediately check out the 'reduced item' shelves (usually at the end of an aisle) to see if there is anything you could use.
  • Keep a running total as you shop and check against the till receipt - mistakes do occur! (Plus, if you've set yourself a shopping budget, you know you're not going over).
  • Watch the 'sell by' dates as you shop. You do not want to throw away food which you bought cheaply but cannot use in time. In the UK we throw away a third of all the food we buy. This is both costly and a ridiculous waste.
  • Take advantage of discounts for buying in bulk - but only when you are sure you will be able to use the items. There is no point buying '3 for the price of 2' if the product will be out of date before you can use it. Tinned goods, cereal, toiletries and frozen goods (as long as you can store them!) are ideal things to buy in bulk.
  • Prices of many fresh products such as fruit and vegetables vary during the year so include items when they are cheap and avoid them when they are not.
  • Buying fresh vegetables from the local market or greengrocer usually works out cheaper than buying them from the supermarket.
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables that need washing and cutting are much cheaper than prepared or frozen items.
  • Avoid prepared 'instant meals' as you are paying for someone else to prepare them.
  • Buy 'own brand' products which are often cheaper but just as good.
  • Take advantage of all the money-off coupons you can. If you usually shop at one regular supermarket take advantage of any 'reward card' they provide which turn 'points' into cash vouchers.
  • Visit supermarkets at the end of the day, when fresh food is often marked down in price.

Other Ideas:

  • Only pay with cash. This is easier said than done, but if you can't afford something, save for it. Paying in cash also helps you keep better track of what you're spending.
  • When you are thinking of buying something, ask yourself whether it is something you need or just want. Try waiting a few days before you buy anything (particularly for expensive items) - that should test how much you need it.
  • As a general rule, don't buy what you don't need.
  • Shop around for the best price. If you are thinking of using credit, remember to compare the APR as well as the prices.
  • Don't be afraid to haggle (negotiating for a discount) - especially if you are paying cash.
  • Don't feel under pressure to buy something once you're in a shop - it's always your right to walk away!
  • Buy things that are good quality but don't pay over the odds just for a label.
  • Remember that restaurants and fast-food places are expensive compared to eating in.
  • Take bottled tap water or squash with you if you are playing sport or attending lectures. Buying drinks when you are out and about can quickly become costly.
  • When you use a washing machine, oven and so on, try and fill them to save energy costs. Additionally, turn appliances off when not in use instead of leaving them on standby. A TV on standby uses 90% of the energy needed to run it.
  • Shop in sales wherever possible.
  • Can you make gifts for people? By taking a bit of time you might be able to make something nice and save a lot of money. For example, could you knit a funky, chunky scarf rather than buying one?
  • Keep your budget up to date.
  • Keep looking for ways of making the most of your income and cutting down on your spending.
  • Keep a record of what you spend and check this against your bank statement.
  • Keep receipts and guarantees in case things go wrong.
  • Talk to your friends and family - often people have quite inventive ways of saving the pennies.
  • Have your NUS card handy since it gives benefits on many things.
  • Websites like and have great money saving ideas and offers for students.
  • The ISIC card (International Students' Card) can often get you money off flights and other travel and can be used to obtain student discounts abroad.
  • The The Young Person's Railcard is very useful since you can get substantial discounts on tickets and the initial cost of the card can usually be recovered after only one or two trips.
  • Return library books and rented videos and DVDs on time to avoid fines which can mount up quickly. Your library may be able to loan you videos and DVDs which will usually work out cheaper than borrowing from a video/DVD rental store.
  • There is usually a thriving market in secondhand course books from other students. has a section for buying and selling used books.

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