Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Glossary Part 3

Finally, P - T of the glossary. All the terms come from the glossary of this book. Remember, you can download the entire glossary from here.


The regular recurrence of the properties of elements when they are arranged in atomic number order as in the Periodic Table.

Period -
A horizontal row of elements in the Periodic Table. There are trends in the properties of the elements as we cross a period.

Propagation -
One of the steps of a chain reaction in which a free radical converts reactant into product and another free radical is formed which can take part in another propagation step.

Proton -
A positively charged sub-atomic particle found in the nuclei of atoms.


Short for reduction-oxidation, it describes reactions in which electrons are transferred from one species to another.

Reducing Agent -
A reagent that reduces (adds electron to) another species.

Reduction -
A reaction in which an atom or group of atoms gains electrons.


Shielded Nuclear Charge
(also called effective nuclear charge). The positive charge from the nucleus that is felt by the outer electrons of an atom - it is the total number of positive charges on the nucleus of an atom minus the total number of inner electrons.

Specific Heat Capacity, c -
The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1g of substance by 1K.

Spectator Ions -
Ions that are unchanged during a chemical reaction i.e. they take no part in the reaction.

Standard Molar Enthalpy Change of Combustion -
The amount of heat energy given out when 1 mole of a substance is completely burned in oxygen at standard conditions (298K and 100kPa).

Standard Molar Enthalpy Change of Formation -
The heat change when 1 mole of substance is formed from its elements at standard conditions (298K and 100kPa).

Stoichiometric -
Describes the simple whole number ratios in which chemical species react.

Strong Nuclear Force -
The force that holds protons and neutrons together whithin the nucleus of an atom.


The stage of a chain reaction in which two free radicals combine together to give a species that is not a free radical.

Thermal Decomposition -
The breakdown of a compound by heat.

Thermochemical Cycle -
A sequence of chemical reactions (with their enthalpy changes) that convert a reactant into a product. The total enthalpy change of the sequence of reactions will be the same as that for the conversion of the reactant to the prduct directly (or by any other route).

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