Sunday, December 07, 2008


Arguments consist of a sequence of claims. A claim is an assertion, and usually takes the form of a statment. Claims may be divided roughly into those that state facts and those that express opinions.

Allegation - A claim made without complete proof thats often blaming or accusing.
Tom broke the window.

Causal Explanation - A claim about why something happened.
Dinasaurs became extinct because of a natural disaster.

Definition - A claim about the meaning of a word or phrase.
Hypothesis is a well considered theory which needs some testing.

Hypothesis - A well considered theory which needs some testing.
In a memory test between girls and boys, boys will remember less.

Prediction - A claim that something will happen in the future.
It will rain tomorrow.

Recommendation - A claim about something which should be done.
Smoking should be banned.

Statement of Principle - A general claim expressing a basic rule, a truth or a guideline.
No one should take the law into their own hands.

Value Judgement - A claim about something being good or bad, right or wrong, desirable or indesirable.
Smoking is a disgusting habit.

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