Sunday, December 07, 2008

Is Your Mind On Vacation?

Is Your Mind On Vacation?

This was just a fun, sometimes irratating quiz we did at the beginning of th year to get us acustomed to irratating pieces of text.

1) There is four errers in this centence. Can you count them?

2) Advertising slogan on toothbrush: 'The toothbrush that lceans'. Buy this toothbrush?

3) 'Iraq has the fourth biggest army in the world.' A reason for war?

4) 'It must be true, I checked and it's in all the papers.' A reason to believe something?

5) 'Paris in the the spring.' So good it was worth identifying twice?

6) Coke is the real thing?

7) Would you trust this man?
'He is an admitted sexagenarian, regularly reads phonographic material, he has pedagogic inclinations and once tried to interest a thirteen year old girl in philately, he has advocated social intercourse in mixed company, and has been known to engage in incense with his family.'

8) Read the following sentence:
'Final Folios seem to result from years of dutiful study of texts along with years of scientific experience.'
Now count how many F's there are, reading only once more through the sentence.

9) War with Iraq is inevitable, after Spetember 11th we can't do nothing.

10) There is no such thing as truth - it's all a matter of opinion.
True or false?

Answers are in the 'Comments' section

1 comment:

smexie said...

1) 'is' should be 'are', 'errers' should be 'errors', 'centence' should be 'sentence' and the fourth error is that you keep thinking there's another error.
2) This is a Tautology - Trivial Truth/Stating the obvious
3) Not a reason, just because an army is big, doesn't mean war is needed
4) Not everything everyone believes is true
5) 2 'the's
6) What is the 'real thing'?
7) 'sexagenarian', 'phonographic', 'pedagogic', 'philately', social intercourse', 'incense' - not the words you thought they were.
8) 8 'F's
9) 'can't do nothing' - can't do nothing, so have to do something, but that doesn't mean war is inevitable
10) If there is no such thing as 'truth' then the statement cannot be 'true' or 'false'